

It is curious that some people develop (by their own making) an intense dislike for you just because you refuse to be abused, taken advantage of and exploited by them.

A very selfish and self centered trait. They often look to blame others and make their problems and challenges everyone's problem. Some may call them "Emotional Vampires"

These people like all of us have a very deep problem that they alone can overcome.

If you are one of them here is the truth "STOP BLAMING OTHERS FOR YOUR ISSUES" surround yourself with positivity as best as you can, accept and admit your flaws as a first step towards a long road to recovery.

No matter how distracted you keep yourself, the truth still remains deep inside and you will never be happy. It will eat at you and manifest itself in unexplained bouts of random anger and frustration.

A constant habit of looking for the negative and problems where there are none and taking constructive criticism as attacks.

You will be blind to your true friends and loved ones because you fail to see their good intentions. You will fail to see those who exploit you and base your plastic happiness on plastic foundations.

Sun rise and sun down are not mistakes... This is REAL LIFE!!

"LEAPHAR the Craftsman"




On the face of such a gentle soul... Eminating Wisdom.. caring... Loving.. Intelligent...
You held these Titles and showed us by your actions.. Your Tenacity through Pain and Incarceration..

Your wisdom to OVERstand, Oversee and Orchestrate the reconciliantion of mixed masses of the Human Community

Your capacity to forgive despite the injustice... the pain.. the crimes...

Madiba I grew up knowing about the injustice against you.. I remember the song "Free Nelson Mandela"..

My Earliest knowledge of Racism.. Apartheid.. left me Stupefied and confused as a child.. wondering why the hate.. SO MUCH HATE! And why against my kind....

But there you were.. Our Warrior..my light.. our light..

At your first opportunity.. you didnt hit back but you reached out...

You didnt complain .. you embraced and taught us to seek reconciliation.. and to let love fill our hearts...

Echoing the teachings of our Lord.. you were indeed an ambassador ..

Thank you for everything.. your legacy lives on..thank you... I will miss you Sir.



Pure and Helpless

It should be a privilege to be able to say "I love you" to someone. It shouldn't be something people say just because they feel like it.

A privilege that is earned.

They say you have to earn the right to be loved; no, love is unconditional, if you love someone, they don't have to earn it.


The right to tell someone that you love them? That has to be earned. You have to earn the right to be believed.

If people are going to be allowed to say "we love you" and "I love you", they'd better have the backbone to prove it. Love isn't just a word.

Real love should draw no blood from the loved and buckets from the lover.

We all have cracks and tears and shattered glass within our souls. Some have more than others. We do not wish to seek one who has none; but we wish to find the one who can say "look at me, look at this."

We wish to find the one who sees every bit of broken glass and who will put those pieces into the palms of our hands and say "please keep them." And we wish to be that kind of person, too. This is how it should be.

Our world ends and some people never understand how much we really loved them.

I must stay strong in Prayer.


A dedication.. an expression.. the hope i had.. the dreams i wished for... May the Lord Guide the future as i dont know what it holds... i just pray..



This is an open letter but its really meant for you

But since you may be confused ill give you a little clue

To you that I’ve never met or lets say to whom it may concern.

I come in peace but also to give you and opportunity to learn.

I’ve got nothing bad to say have we ever met or talked?

I just notice that you have said some things that left me pretty shocked

It seems we have a mutual interest that you may feel I stole

But alas ive done no such thing so let me focus on my role

I stand for goodness, virtue, fun and love and im sure you feel the same

So why don’t I stick to what I do and you also stick to your lane

Im sure you read my humble blog, my linkedin and more im sure

But I have no bad intentions toward you so hopefully you’ll feel more secure.

I appreciate the secret insights thanks, now I’m more informed.

Your goal may be virtuous or evil but I simply pray for her reform

My life has taught me quite a lot especially that Karma is real

I don’t know what has caused your actions or know how you really feel.

I wish you well bon chance my friend lets focus on what is best

For us for her for them for all our lives are just a test.




Its just one of those life tests
You chose to make me your cushion and your second best
Your fall guy and your experiment
Your excuse to build and be confident

The one to blame for all your woes
You’d find ANYTHING to throw those blows
Regardless and blind to the damage you cause
Selfish and thoughtless you’d only think of whats yours

I observe out of love not stupidity just the truth
And yet you’d keep on wicked ruthless and uncouth
Alas a prince in waiting im cursed by that gift
But I warn that I can only do so much to avoid this rift

You have your part to play and choices to make
So look inward and realise what it at stake
I will not suffer as im destined for greatness
Love, Joy, and a depthless fortune that one person will access

If only I could help but that takes you to let me
So if you make the wrong choice you shouldn’t expect me
Here again I’m being used as a stepping stone
All in search of that one to call my own.
So here is a story that needs a happy ending
To reflect the purpose and what I am intending
Time is at times a healer but more so it sheds light
So release yourself from lies and let your dreams take flight

Friday 22nd February


Friday 1st February

Love must be effortless
Serene and gentle
Led by smiles
No consequence accidental

Its spirit must be respected
Pure and thus recoverable
But with lies and deceit
The offender is tempremental

So a dark day dawns
Where this gem may be lost
Outside forces at work
Turning warmth to frost

At least its been tasted
And i recognise its power
I understand its influence
And how quick it can turn sour

Hearts will keep breaking
Crushed and confused
But as long as you stay true
Refuse to be used

You are that cup
Be full with self adoration
So that your love overflows
And you end all frustration